Cost vs. Benefit: Are Alcohol Interlocks Worth The Investment?

Considering an alcohol interlock device? It’s a crucial investment in road safety, but what about the accompanying cost of alcohol interlocks? Let’s break it down. 

Alcohol interlocks significantly reduce impaired driving incidents, saving lives and preventing accidents. Beyond safety, they offer peace of mind and a tangible commitment to responsible driving. 

Addressing the cost vs. benefit aspect reveals that while there’s an upfront expense, the long-term savings and societal benefits far outweigh it. Dive in and discover why these devices are not just a cost, but a smart, life-saving investment.

What Is An Alcohol Interlock Device?

An alcohol interlock device is a breathalyser connected to a vehicle’s ignition system. Before starting the vehicle, the driver must blow into the device. If the detected blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above a pre-set limit, the engine will not start. These devices are designed to prevent individuals from driving under the influence of alcohol.

The purpose of alcohol interlocks is to reduce the incidence of drunk driving and related accidents. They serve as a preventive measure, especially for repeat offenders, helping to enforce sobriety and promote responsible driving behaviour.

alcohol interlock device being used

The Cost Of Alcohol Interlocks

The cost of alcohol interlocks varies based on several factors, so it’s not possible to provide a single, standardised fee. If a private individual or business purchases an alcohol interlock device for their own use, they will not incur the costs associated with enrolling in an alcohol interlock program. Instead, they will face expenses for the purchase, installation, and servicing of the device. Additionally, interlock device costs differ by state, as each authority has its own pricing structure. You can find the fee schedules for interlock programs in each state below: 

For those enrolling in an alcohol interlock program, annual costs can typically range between $1,500 and $3,000 depending on program length. This amount covers the installation of the device, monthly leasing fees, regular servicing, and removal costs at the program’s conclusion. These expenses are minor in comparison to the financial and personal costs associated with repeated drink driving, which include the risk of addiction and the potential for contributing to road fatalities.

Benefits Of Alcohol Interlocks

Enhanced road safety and reduction in DUI incidents: Alcohol interlocks prevent vehicles from starting if alcohol is detected, significantly reducing the chances of DUI incidents. These devices contribute to creating safer roads for everyone by ensuring that impaired drivers are kept off the road.

Prevention of repeat offences: By requiring a breath test each time the vehicle is started, alcohol interlocks deter individuals from driving under the influence again. This prevention not only protects the public but also aids in the rehabilitation of offenders, promoting long-term behaviour change.

person getting pulled over

Peace of mind for drivers and families: Knowing that the vehicle won’t start if alcohol is detected provides reassurance to drivers and their loved ones. This added layer of safety ensures that families can trust their loved ones are not at risk from impaired driving, offering significant peace of mind.

Financial Implications & Savings

Investing in an alcohol interlock system may seem costly at first glance, but the financial benefits far outweigh the initial expense. 

The cost of installation and maintenance is minimal compared to the hefty fines, legal fees, and potential insurance hikes associated with DUI offences. An alcohol interlock can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, leading to fewer legal issues and lower medical expenses. Over time, the savings from avoiding these penalties and the peace of mind from enhanced safety on the road make alcohol interlocks a wise investment. 

Ultimately, the long-term financial benefits, coupled with the potential to save lives, clearly demonstrate that alcohol interlocks are a valuable preventive measure.

Personal & Social Benefits

Alcohol interlocks are not just a tool for preventing impaired driving; they foster a significant improvement in personal behaviour and responsibility. By requiring drivers to prove their sobriety before starting their vehicle, these devices encourage consistent, responsible habits. This accountability often leads to long-term positive changes in a person’s approach to alcohol consumption.

The benefits extend beyond the individual, positively impacting society by contributing to safer communities. Fewer impaired drivers on the road mean reduced accident rates, protecting pedestrians, passengers, and other motorists. As a result, alcohol interlocks help to create a culture of safety and responsibility, enhancing public well-being. Investing in these devices can ultimately save lives, reduce healthcare costs, and promote a healthier, more responsible society.

cars and motorists on the road

Making The Investment Decision

Deciding to invest in an alcohol interlock can be a crucial step towards ensuring safety and compliance, but it requires careful consideration of several key factors. 

Personal and financial readiness is paramount; understanding your financial situation and commitment to maintaining a sober driving record is essential. Evaluating long-term benefits versus initial costs is another critical aspect. While the upfront expense may seem high, the long-term benefits, such as reduced risk of accidents, legal compliance, and potential insurance savings, often outweigh the initial investment. Additionally, the peace of mind and the societal benefits of contributing to safer roads can provide significant value. 

Making an informed decision involves weighing these factors carefully to determine if the investment aligns with your personal and financial goals.

Get In Touch With Guardian Interlock Today!

Guardian Interlock is among Australia’s most reputable alcohol interlock providers, with locations in every state in Australia. Therefore, you can be sure that your Guardian-approved service centre is qualified for interlock device installation, servicing, and removal of your interlock device, and our devices are compliant with your state’s regulations. Email or call 1300 881 005 today to get started with your alcohol interlock program. 

We understand how essential a vehicle is, whether for work purposes, family responsibilities, or other commitments. We’re committed to helping our clients remain compliant and on the road. Our customer care representatives are available to take your calls 8.30 am – 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.

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